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Food waste in households - Statistics & Causes

Household Food Waste: Statistics, Causes and Solutions for a Sustainable Future

What is Food Waste and Why is it Important to Reduce?

Food waste refers to food that is produced but never consumed, and it is a global and local problem with serious economic and environmental consequences. Reducing food waste is crucial to creating a more sustainable future and conserving the earth's resources.

Statistics on Food Waste in Swedish Households

According to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Swedish households throw away approximately 45 kilos of edible food per person each year, which corresponds to an annual economic loss of approximately SEK 20 billion. This means that every household contributes to large amounts of food that goes to waste.

How Much Food Is Wasted Every Year?

  • Total food waste in Sweden: About 1.3 million tonnes per year
  • Food waste per person: Approximately 45 kilos per year

Incorrect Planning and Buying Habits

Many households buy more food than they need or do not plan their purchases effectively. This leads to food losing its freshness before it can be consumed.

Storage and Handling of Food

Lack of knowledge about proper food storage leads to it quickly going bad. For example, certain fruits and vegetables should be stored separately to avoid overripeness. By using vacuum food boxes, you extend the shelf life and slow down the decay process.

Best before and Use by date

Many people confuse best-before dates with use-by dates, which causes edible food to be thrown away unnecessarily. Understanding the difference between these can help reduce food waste.

Consequences of Food Waste

Economic Costs

Food waste means that households lose money by throwing away food that is still edible.

Environmental Impact and Climate Footprint

Production of food that is never consumed means unnecessary emissions of greenhouse gases and waste of water and other resources. According to the UN, food waste accounts for approximately 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Solutions to Reduce Food Waste

Effective Planning and Purchasing

Plan your meals and make purchases based on what you actually need. A grocery list can help you avoid overbuying and losing food.

Correct Storage and Handling of Food

Learn how to best store different foods to maximize their shelf life. Vacuum packaging is an effective method that extends the shelf life of food and reduces food waste.

Use of Vacuum Food Containers

With vacuum food boxes, you can extend the shelf life of food up to five times, which not only reduces food waste but also saves money. By storing the food in a vacuum, you prevent it from going bad before it is eaten.

Summary: Here's how you can contribute to reducing food waste

Food waste is a major problem that has both economic and environmental consequences. By planning your purchases better, learning proper food storage and using vacuum food boxes, you can help reduce food waste and create a sustainable future.

Common Food Items That Are Most Often Thrown Away

Groceries Percentage of the loss
Fruits and vegetables 30%
Bread 20%
Meat products 15%
Dairy products 10%
Other foodstuffs 25%

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