Free shipping & 30 days return policy

Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee - Money Back if Shelf Life Not Extended

Some things don't have to be so complicated. At FoodEcoBox, we are convinced that our vacuum lunch boxes extend the shelf life of your food significantly more than regular lunch boxes without a vacuum function.

Full Refund if You Don't Notice a Difference

If you do not experience a noticeable improvement in durability when using our vacuum lunch boxes, we offer a full refund. Try our food boxes and compare with your previous storage solutions. If the food does not stay fresher in our boxes, contact us within 30 days of purchase and we will refund the full amount.

How to Request a Refund

If you are not satisfied with the results, please send another email within 30 days of purchase. We refund you quickly and easily. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

Shop Safely with Our Satisfaction Guarantee

We are proud to be able to offer our customers a safe shopping experience. Shop with confidence and experience the difference our vacuum food boxes can make to extend the shelf life of your food.

Together we reduce food waste and contribute to a more sustainable world.